Monday, April 13, 2009

Sydney International Airport

Hello everyone! My first post from the road! Alex and I have just completed our marathon layover in Sydney Airport and are only a little while away from boarding our plane to LA. Our flight from Perth went by pretty smoothly apart from some pretty hectic tubulence as we passed through the storm cloud.

The times are pretty crazy with all these time differences. Our 2pm flight to LA which is 13 hrs long arrives in LAX at 2:30pm... and then we arrive in Vancouver at abput 5pm. So we have travelled about 30hrs but will arrive in Canada only 17hrs after we left!! Pretty cool... except we are now somewhat sleep deprived... Alex fell asleep in the check-in line.

Thankyou to everyone who came to say goodbye, especially those who drove all the way out to the airport to see us. It was the perfect, albeit sad, way to start our trip.

I miss you all so much already! I will post again (hopefully) soon after we arrive in YVR.


  1. hey whitto
    missing you two muchly
    hope the plane wasnt too crowded so you could scrounge an entire row to yourself for some shut eye.


  2. hi buddy!
    hope your plane trip was durable.
    any worth while movies that i should hit up?

    excited mucho?

  3. Hey Issy, we are missing you so much already - glad to hear that you got to the USA safely. Waiting with baited breath to see if you get into Canada.

    love you Mum
