Monday, April 27, 2009

Camp Summit

Hey people. I Have finally arrived at my home for the next 6 months, Camp Summit. It is totally awesome, I have a room in a little wood cabin, and when I walk out the door I can look right and see a big mountain with snow on the top looming up above the forest. It's pretty sweet. I'll post some photos once I get my computer out.

Yeah so Camp is awesome. We get our first kids on like the 3rd of May or something so right now we are in training and the site is just being finished off. Things like electricity, heaters and hot water will all be operational in the next couple of days. Yay!
So the training we are doing is a ropes certification that allows me to instruct high ropes under supervision of the main ropes instructor. It's like a Level 1 or something. Hopefully it is internationally recognised so it can help me get some ODE gigs back home. Have to ask Anna and Emma bout that. So today I spent alot of time belaying people as well as climbing on various elements. I also spent a fair while strapped to a pole dismantling a pulley set up. It was pretty sweet because we had to use a cable grab and like pull ourselves up. Good fun, though I semi messed up and let go of the pulley, so I had to like climb right to the top and completely reach out, which is pretty scary when your like over 40ft in the air. But yeah, if I was every afraid of heights I wont be after this summer, although I will probably spend most of my time belaying other kids.

Another plus about Camp, the food is awesome, Chef Marty cooks up all these delicious feasts for every meal. Also we have 3 camp dogs, Marty's Deloughsie, Shannon's blind epileptic chihuahua Zoe and Camus, the carpenter's GIANT labrador. But I still miss my Sammy!!

Yeah so I'll try and get some shots of the Camp up so you guys can see how cool it is. Admittedly weather-wise is a little chilly for me.. the middle of the day sun is like really nice but the second it goes down, man does it get chilly. And the staff lounge is a tent so we are all like sitting watching tv shivering, which is pretty awesome...
Yeah I think the Canadians think us Aussies are massive wimps. But hey.

Oh and my sleeping bag is like totally perfect, I'm mega stoked on it. In fact I think I might go and head to it right now, I've got another day of climbing ahead of me.


  1. hey is
    im glad that you've arrived safetly yadayadyada haha so are the guys your with hot?? (someone had to ask) anywho dont miss sam too ledge he kept running in front of cars like an idiot!! haha anyway talk to you soon xxxxxx

  2. yer.... you say 'like' too much in your blogs haha btw i want to hear about your new friends?? any looker ay ay??
    miss you!
