Hello again, Alex and I are currently sitting upstairs in terminal 2 of LAX, stealing the free internet from the airline lounges. Thank god our 13hr flight is over, we have so far been on the road for 27 hours and counting, yet it is only 12.10pm on the 14th here.... weird.
We are slowly mastering the act of sleeping whilst sitting, however the thought of a warm bed right now is incredibly enticing. It's apparently 15 deg atm and completely overcast... rather unlikely LA weather.
We have discovered that airport food is ridiculously expensive, however on the flipside we did find a dollar on the floor in the security check in so things are looking up. Also, Alex wasn't refused entrance to the US so we are doing pretty well at the moment.
In a couple of hours we are going to board our flight to Vancouver and then get a lift with Alex's sister Amelia to the ferry over to Vancouver Island. Fingers crossed the fares aren't ridiculous, however it is looking like we are going to be scraping a living everywhere anyway.
We will post again once we are on Vancouver Island. Miss you all!
Can't wait for the next blog to see if they let you into Canada. I did tell Vicki that you mught be calling if all goes pear shaped. Miss you,