In fact, mountainous is probably a better word for it. I thought Saltspring Island was going to be an island like Rottnest is an island. No. It's more like Mount Everest would be like if it was an Island.
Anyway so once we hopped off the ferry at Fulford Harbour we decided to make our way to the small town of Ganges about 14km away. We came up against some pretty serious terrain (the picture of Alex struggling is at the top of a particulary evil slope. "Like I wanted to die" quote Alex) but nothing compared to the GIGANTIC hill we got to ride down into the township. This thing must have gone for like a km at least... We zoomed down it so fast, the wind like stung your eyes whilst you catapaulted down the slope. So once we got into town we decided there was no way that we were EVER going to ride back up that monstrosity. So after chowing down on our little packed lunch (we spent our daily money on the ferry over there, so unfortunately no hotdogs for us) we went to the Visitors Centre to ask if there was a bus. On every other day there is a bus that takes you back to Fulford. But not on Sundays. This was the evil cherry atop the rotting cake that was Fred's plan to kill us through physical exertion.
Luckily the nice man at the Tourist Centre took pity on us and racked his brains for a better way back to the harbour. He gave us a route that was 4km shorter than the one we had come in on, but involved one section where you climbed something like 400ft in a rather short time period. So we figured that was better than trying to tackle the mountain we had zoomed into town down. After a quick stroll about the harbour and checking out the Earth Day fair that was on at the central square, we made the call to head back to Fulford Harbour to catch the ferry home.
The ride back was also fairly epic, as we rode along the apprehension rose within us the giant hill loomed closer and closer. Thank god Alex had stayed well away from stone fruit, otherwise I think we would have been in some serious trouble ("I still was in some serious trouble!!!!"). However, we did manage to ride past the ambulance twice (obviously heard there were some crackpot Australians trying to ride around the island and wanted to be prepared), which was a pretty good effort considering I'm pretty sure it was the only one on the island. Once we hit the giant mountain we certainly knew about it. Luckily we were equipped with good bikes with gears so we managed to struggle slowly up. Admittedly we did stop about 3/4 of the way up so Alex could die for a little while. And there was a pretty cool view, except trees always seem to be in the way around these parts.
So after reaching the top of that mother it was pretty much downhill all the way back to the ferry terminal, we did some more out of control zooming, that totally made up for the awful climbing. We were seriously gunning it, it was awesome. We felt like we were riding straight out of Kathmandu brochure. Pretty sweet dashing past rows of pines to flatten out with this massive lake to the side. Anyhoo we rewarded ourselves at Fulford with a strawberry and apple muffin (which also had a giant hunk of cheese in it... fwhat?) and the greatest mocha I have ever tasted!!! It was called a Peanut Butter Cup. It was delicious.
Also, must not forget that for the first time on this trip one of us has sported a t-shirt whilst out in the Canadian wilderness. Alex managed to strip down to her trusty St Hilda's PE shirt whilst we climbed the giant mountain. Unfortunately we didn't get any photo evidence, but it was a truly momentous occasion. However, Alex would not reccomend it for zooming down the hills, that wind can be rather icy.
So altogether I think we rode about 30km today, (its about 3 to the ferry terminal from Fred and Roberta's house) and taking in the fact that their was a zillion hills I think that is a good effort.
Tonight we are heading out for Thai as Roberta is at a golf event and Fred, Alex and I are incapable of fending for ourselves. YAY FOOD. Anyhoo here are the photos from today:

Hey! I'm not sure if you remember me, Tifanny Choong.... iwas at st hilds in yr 10 haha. Anyway i found your blog cause you posted it on facebook but I think its so neat you are in Canada:) I'm living in Winnipeg actually. and am jealous you are in Victoria. I got accepted to the uni there in sept but declined the offer. You should make a trip to Vancouver..the twilight cast is there hahaha. Anyway how long are you here for! I hope you are having fun:)
ReplyDeletehaha bike riding remind u of good old rotto... because rowing is hell natzi this year some of the girls want to start riding to rowing, don't know if i'll follow the trend but after reading about your 30k ride i guess i could manage.
ReplyDeletemiss u! say hi to alex's aunty and uncle for me! oox
hello team
ReplyDeletevery funny about the drinking the ganges
just wait til you start yakking then we'll see if its funny to make fun of sickies.
p.s. at least youre keeping fit!
DJ lil?? really??
ReplyDeleteANYWAYS issy i totally forgot to email you my dads email to give to my dad
hah good work me. i'll do that now or after this
good thing you two look so hot in helmets
biking sounds good right now. i passed a spin class on my way home
hope the thai was nice!
wicked story about that mountainous island i must say - it would've made things that much more interesting if alex had had some stone fruit - i think the stella bella had hints of stone fruit, thank god we didnt run after that (she knows what i'm on about)
ReplyDeletekeep having a wicked trip guys