On Tuesday a few of us went in to Vancouver as we had been stuck indoors on Monday in the rain and were starting to go a little stir crazy. Plus, Sven and Billy had to get their CIN numbers so they could be paid. Speaking of that, I got my first paycheck (woohoo!) and am thinking of opening up a Canadian bank account.
So we didn't spend heaps of time in the actual city of Vancouver, which was a shame as I would have liked to visit a couple of shops... My vollys are pretty much on the way out unfortunately. However, we did hang out in Stanley Park, the massive park north of Vancouver. We went to the supermarket and bought all these ingredients for a picnic and went and ate at the tables in the park. It was a right feast. Alex and I bought some peanut butter (Camp Summit is 100% nut free so we are not allowed any nuts on site) as we were craving the stuff after about 3 weeks without any. We also managed to fall asleep in the sun. It was a pretty chill time. Walked around the 'Lost Lagoon', saw my first white swan which was pretty cool. There were also heaps of cool ducks and racoons around.
When we got back to town we still had half a jar of peanut butter, so we went on a Walmart run to grab some oreos, and then Alex, Sarah and I headed down to the beach to chow down on our forbidden feast. It was pretty sweet.
So on Wednesday we got he Jamieson kids. I was on climbing wall with Aaron so we spent hours belaying and tying knots. I am becoming a gun with knots, just quietly. The kids were awesome, they were really polite and super stoked on everything and gave everything a go. We played a few camp wide games with them like Whistle Tag and Battleship (like normal battleship but the instructors sit in bases with the boards and send kids out with co-ordinates written on paper. They have to run through enemy territory without being tagged and get their co-ordinates to the enemy base and find out if they have a hit or a miss and then report back to base. It was heaps of fun.)
Yesterday after a couple of hours cleaning the site after the kids had left, we all headed down to the beach and chilled out in the freezing water. It was heaps of fun, getting bogged up to our thighs in riversand and playing water football. I am slowly getting the hang of throwing an American Football. Tyler and I are planning on building a cricket set out of PVC pipes and stuff so we can educate these Canadians, they have no idea.
Anyway better grab some brekky before we head off to Alice lake for a bike ride and a swim, here are some photos of the trip to Van.

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