Apologies for the last post being so short. I will try to sort of make up for it with this one, I have arisen early so as to use the phone and found myself with a bit of time to jot down a few things.
So the 2 week session was an absolute ball. I had a wicked cabin of 8 9-12 yo girls who were pretty much self sufficient by the end of the first week so my LIT Tricia and I just lived the good life, unlike some of our colleagues who had less than agreeable cabins shall we say. I loved the longer session, I felt I got to know the kids alot better, and it was fun to have things like trip where we could all just hang out and you could just chat to them. Cheakamus Lake was a beautiful place to stay for a few days, nothing quite like a glacier fed lake for a bit of refreshment.
After the 2 weeker we had 2.5 days off. This was much anticipated as we had been working pretty much 3 weeks straight (we had 3 hours off one evening... we took off to Brohm Lake and lay on the rocks after a quick Walmart run). The majority of the staff headed up to Whistler to hang out, shop and have a bit of fun. We had a pretty sweet time, playing soccer in the main square at night, staying in hotel rooms and eating ridiculously priced supermarket food. I'm reasonably sure all I ate that weekend was peanut butter, oreos, honey nut cheerios and cinnamon bagels.... healthy? no. But delicious.
Now we are back at work, everyone returning from Whistler more tired than when they left camp, but I suppose that just shows we had a good time. The scary thing is there's only 2 weeks left of summer camp and then half the staff pack up and leave! 2 one week sessions remain. This session running now is probably one of the smaller ones camper wise, so Tyler, Crumbles and I have been swapped out from being counsellors and are on site work, or 'Special Ops' as Parky likes to call it. We're giving Trevor a hand with some of the maintenance around the site/being the kitchen hand. It's super fun, we get evenings and rest hour off and we get to listen to music all day and pretend to be council workers. Yesterday we painted some protective stuff on the fresh plywood around the base of all the wooden buildings. Being the smallest minion, I did all the parts underneath the porches, so I spent most of the day trying to keep spiders out of my hair. Good fun though. Today I think we are staining everything we sealed yesterday.... and after that who knows what wonderful jobs are in store for us. I also went on the bus run with Aaron yesterday to pick up the fresh campers from Vancouver. Always a good time, Tim Hortons from brekky and then listening to tunes through the bus speakers. Ah it's a hard life I lead!
In the upcoming break I am planning on hiking Garibaldi to see the mountain lake that is up there for a few days and then maybe a trip to Seattle with the other gappers/anyone who is still hanging around. Will try not to spend too much moolah... will hopefully get one more paycheck before the break starts.
Just wanted to shout out to Grantie and Grandpa, who I understand are in the UK at the moment so might not be able to read this, and say thankyou for the letter and the newspaper articles. I love getting mail so much, it totally makes my day when Shannie or Parky hands me a letter. Kicks email any day. But yeah, thanks again guys!
Hope everything is well in the big smoke of Perth... it has been hottttt here, like 37 degrees plus. It is cooling down this week to high 20s, low 30s which is like ultimately awesome perfect-ness. Summer should finish off amazingly.
Am semi freakin out not being able to go surfing/even buy an Aussie surf mag. American surf mags suck even more when it comes to equality between men and women in surfing. I just get frustrated every time I read it so I have given up. If I ever see an ASL I am hitting that up in a big way. Planning a trip to Tofino in the Fall when its meant to be super chill and less people and all that so should satisfy the craving which by then will be a fever pitch.
Here are a couple of shots from the 2 week session:

This is the view from the campsite we stayed in at Cheakamus Lake. That's my and Tricia's tent on the left and yes those are sweet glacier topped mountains on the right.

Here is Serratus, the tent cabin which is now pretty much mine as I will have lived in it for a month by the end of this week. Been there 2nd session for one week as an instructor, had it when I was a counsellor for the 2 week and now as a minion I have had it for another week.

A shot I took one evening when there were some sweet thunderclouds and the sky changed colour from golden to purple to red... And just to cap it off there was a double rainbow!

Tacky Tourist Dinner (one of our many themed dinners where everyone has to dress up), it was so hot in the lodge that butter melted off my face. Gross.
I think I will go listen to the humourous bingo game that is currently occuring in the Lodge and make a cup of tea... finally got myself some English Breakfast. Take care y'all have a good time til next we meet/vicariously meet through the world wide web..........
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