Hey people
So my first season at Summer Camp has come to a regretful however somewhat needed end. My last cabin, Charlie Charlie (a group of 4 junior girls) was absolutely wicked. They were well behaved, tonnes of fun and were up for anything despite the 2 days of pouring rain we (finally!) had at camp. Plus my co-counsellor was Kate HB, so we pretty much had the easiest week ever. Kids just about counselled themselves, which was awesome.
The last few days of camp were probably the most hectic of my life. The day our kids left we were put in groups to organise our station for the staff party, handed in our feedback forms then headed straight to town to buy all our necessary preparations. We then headed back, set up for and had staff party, which was an absolute blast! The next day we cleaned camp for about 6 hours and sort of wrapped up the season with dinner and a movie all together. (Quick note, G.I. Joe = Hilariously awful). The following morning we were all meant to be on the bus for 10am to head down to Vancouver, I found out about 15 mins beforehand that I had to move all my gear to my staff cabin for Fall. Managed to get that finished in time so I booked it to the bus with nothing but a small daypack, thinking I was going to spend a couple of days in Van before heading back to camp. As I was about to hop on the bus I spied Tyler with rather a bit more luggage than myself. When I asked him about he said "Yeah, we're going to Seattle, remember?" I had in fact, forgotten. Thankfully Parky made the bus wait for me so I didn't have to survive a week with one pair of jeans and a waterbottle. Never have I packed so fast in all my life. Threw whatever into my pack, booked it back to the bus and we managed to roll out only a bit late. Spent the rest of that day hanging out with the staff, we went to a Vancouver Canadien's baseball game (they won 2-1) then to Eddie's house for a BBQ before Alex, Anna, Ely, Tyler and I headed to the airport where we met Billy and Crumbles. Alex was flying out that night, then Anna and Ely the following morning. Spent alot of time racing trolleys, drinking caffeine and eating cookies, finding trippy bathrooms, spilling things, sleeping in a sort of home we made from two rows of chairs and just general aiport-related tomfoolery. We had plenty of time to fill, we were there from 8pm that night until 2pm the following day when Tyler, Billy, Crumbles and I caught a bus to Seattle. Had about 3 hours sleep, we were all already totally spent by the end of summer, and all this hectic-ness has left us with a rather large sleep deficit.
So right now I am staying in a hostel in Seattle. It is the nicest hostel ever, pretty much new and as there are 4 of us we have filled a whole room so its basically a hotel. Plus the bunks are bigger than camps, the water is hotter and the showers huge. And you don't have to worry about/listen to 8 kids, so this place is pretty much heaven right now. Seattle is a cool city, we spent today wandering, seeing some sights like the Pike Place markets (where they throw fish) and perusing a mall or two. Free samples = godly/lunch. Getting my thrift on in a big way.
When we were in Westlake mall today the most amazing thing of life happened. I was just walking along, minding my own business as I perused and I saw this chick in one of the shops. She had cool clothes and shoes and I was like I dig that look. As I continued to walk, I noticed she was super tall. And blonde. And strangely familiar looking. Then it hit me. It was Lauren Jackson!!!! Yes THE Lauren Jackson, star player of the Seattle Storm, best Aussie in the business, Captain of the Opals, my like life hero! I freaked out big time, and told Billy and Crumbles. We scouted for a few minutes just to make absolutely sure it was her. They managed to talk me into getting an autograph, I was too scared at first. So I got to speak to Lauren Jackson (who noticed I was an Aussie and said cool when I said I had tickets to the next game) after only being in Seattle for 1 day!!! Best day ever!!! So stoked! So I am guarding the paper with my life and can't wait to go by my jersey.
Anyway these communal computers need to be just that so I better quit hogging the machine and share the love. Just thought you needed a little update from the road. Am heading back to camp around the 23rd... Will try and write one more time before I leave.
Catchya on the flipside
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