Hey crew. Sorry it has been a while between postings but I have been a rather busy little gapper so let me fill you in on all the goings on of late.
Firstly would like to thank Mum for sending me that awesome package. Parky and Megan and everyone were like Issy you have a package! And its like the biggest one I swear I've ever seen. Trust me, the caramello koalas were well shared
Just got off my first session of the summer! I had 7 7-9yo girls for 5 days of non-stop activities, getting up, going to sleep, eating, showering, crying, laughing, running, screaming and everything else that happens when you are looking after kids 24/7. Not gonna lie I was a bit nervous before they first showed up on Saturday, never having counselled before and everything, but the whole thing went off very smoothly. My LIT (Leader-In-Training/my cabin second), Krystyn, is one of Summit's first lot of 'stayer' campers - she has been a camper for 5 years and is now working her way up to being staff - so she knew exactly how stuff worked. But yeah, counselling is so much fun but rather exhausting. I now have 2 days off before being plunged into a super marathon of work, I think it is about 5 weeks or so straight with only a couple of stray nights off in between sessions. It's going to be so much fun.
Last night a bunch of us headed down to the beach and let off some steam. We set some giant logs on fire which burnt for about 6 hours. It was pretty schweet. The summer stuff are a really cool bunch of people, we have another Aussie who has joined the ranks - Luke, as well as a Mexican - Alex Belden, a couple from Van - Stu, Kendra, Matt and Kate, and some from the States (Hawaii, Utah and Washington DC) - Ely, Garrett and Anna. All the LITs are a cool bunch too, Priscilla and Lucy are from Spain, Trisha lives in Hong Kong I'm pretty sure, Julian is from Hong Kong and Connor and Krystyn are locals. I think that covers everybody, will rectify if I realise I'm a terrible person and have forgotten someone or got a detail wrong.
Next session is a 7 day but this time I am an instructor. So that means I don't have my own cabin to look after but I run the programs that kids rotate through, such as ropes, archery, bouldering and the like. Less intense as no 24/7 responsibility but also not quite as fun as don't get to know the kids as well and can get boring if you instruct the same thing day in day out. I am looking forward to it though. It will be a good time.
So today the plan is for a girls road trip to Whistler, just to grab some lunch and mess around. We have some serious fun pumping music and dancing in the car so that will probably come into play quite alot. I think the guys are heading to Whistler too so we will probably all end up meeting up. I unfortunately don't have more than about $6 as I have been unable to cash my last pay cheque but we shall see how that goes.
Anyway lads and ladettes I am a little peckish and really desperately need a shower so I will catch you all on the flipside. I hope life is treating you all well and that the bad weather clears up! Miss and love you all!