Sorry it has been such a long time between posts. We only got like a day and a bit off last weekend as we had a group on site Saturday so I was pretty busy doing other things. However I will recap the previous week here, so get settled for a long entry.
So the Sunday after my last post we decided to be super outdoorsy and we headed in to Squamish to hike the Stawamus Chief. The Chief is a 702m high granite monolith and is world regarded as a climbing, bouldering and hiking area. Chris Sharma (this like super rowdy climbing guy) has climbed this route their called 'Dreamcatcher'. It is pretty much flat wall... I have no clue how he did it. Sean Keast (one of our staff) was so stoked he actually licked Sharma's chalk off the wall. That is how awesome Chris Sharma is. Anyhoo so hiking the Chief was so much fun. We absolutely booked it up there, like mad. It took us less than 45mins, with kids it can take 2hrs. We sorta crashed out at the top though, we were pretty knackered. Coming down was so much fun, Tyler and I were like running down, jumping off logs and sliding down sections and rocks and things. Was wicked fun. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the local pool in Brennan Park, messing around, swinging on ropes and diving and playing Marco Polo. They also had a spa which was awesome. Plus we got in for free since we volunteered at Relay for Life.
Monday we were super lucky and got a day off because the group wasn't coming in until Tuesday. So Alex, Jen Brown, Tyler, Crumbles and I headed into Vancouver for a day to do some shopping and veg out off site. As beautiful as camp is, it is nice to get away from it all for a day or so and just be somewhere different. I bought the rowdiest glasses ever, they are SWEET. Must get a pic of them up. The frames are rubber and bendy. Nuff said. Also got a pair of satin electric blue and highlighter green shorts from Lululemon. Oh man love that shop. Most comfortable clothes ever, like ridiculously comfortable. Insane! The shopping scene in Vancouver is very different to that of Perth. They have heaps of rowdy, brightly coloured gear and super sweet shoes. I'm going to go to Van again and get some sweet ass shoes. Tis going to be wicked.
Tuesday we got a bunch of about 40 York House girls. They were pretty cool, I did High Ropes with them, as well as Arts and Crafts. Making bracelets = good times. I have some bracelets that I am going to send home in the next couple of days. Lisa and I decided that we should make all the spring staff matching but unique embroidery thread bracelets so for the rest of the week we covertly made about 20 bracelets and handed them out to all the staff. Each one has 3 colours that we picked out specifically for each person. Lisa made mine, it is orange, green and burgundy. It's pretty sweet. I'm actually gathering together a pretty sweet set of wrist bling. I have a rextape bracelet I made when we were in Squeah running our very first program with Crofton House, I have my rubber headspace bracelet from when I worked at FGPN, I have my spring staff bracelet and I have another embroidery thread bracelet that was made for me by a student called Olivia from York House. I'm sure I will have even more by the time the end of summer rolls around.
York House left on Friday, but a West Point Grey group of Yr 12s came in for their dry grad. (Straight after graduation classes get sent somewhere as a group to hang out without alcohol. They then go home and get rooooowdy.) They stayed Friday night and Saturday so we were working on the weekend but as we had had Monday off it wasn't too bad. Plus running program for them was easy, they were chill. We didn't have to do much, they pretty much just hung out and we just let them do their thing. Did run high ropes with them on Saturday. They were actually the same age (and some of them older) as Tyler and I so we had a few cover stories. I was 19 turning 20 so I was born in '89... I think. But yeah I felt younger than them but none of them asked so I guess I looked older. Once WPG left we were free to go. We headed into town armed with a list of chores to do. Five hours later we had completed them. Items on the list included buying a chocolate and peanut butter gelato, cake mix ingredients and eating 2 two bite brownies in one go. I called them half-bite brownies because I thought they were sissy. Then the Canadians made me eat 2 in one mouthful. Bit of a struggle, nearly choked but I got there. Us Aussies are made of tougher stuff when it comes to junk food. Also took a trip to Walmart and discovered there are Coffee Crisp McFlurries. Getting one the second I go to town next. Excited!! I know Walmart is like a corporate devil that is sucking the life out of our planet, but man, it is so cheap! I bought a sweet fluro orange sweater for $10. Wicked!
This week we had a really sweet school group called Larson. They were an awesome group, so much personality. It was also fun because they didn't have any teachers with them so a few of us got to try our hand at being counsellors. It was pretty sweet, we got to change around activities instead of instructing them, and had to send them off to bed and things. It was a nice change to what we usually do. The kids were awesome. Today when I was taking a day group around the biking trail, they were all high fiving me as I rode pass. It was awesome, I really enjoyed hanging out with them.
So I am off and on over the next few days, heading down to Van for some of it, hanging around Camp, doing stuff. Will be good times. Sorry this post has sort of trailed off but I have been distracted. It happens. Anyway I hope you are all well and to make up for my lacklustre words I have included photographs:

Oh and by the way, the reason for the title of this post is because today is Russian Thursday, one of our many themed days. Today we speak in russian accents for most of the day. We have other days such as One-armed Monday and Backwards Name Tuesday. Tomorrow is Facial Accessory Friday. The guys have been preparing. Shall be entertaining.
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