Thought I'd use YVR's free internet to my advantage and get my blog on. May as well give a reason to dragging this laptop around the world. I swear my carry-on adds a fair bit to my overall luggage weight, laptop, camera, guitar... it's alot of stuff.
However, my other pack isn't all that light either, I managed to fall on my back, beetle style, in front of some transit guards at the Vancover City Centre train station. For a second there I thought they were both going to have to come over and help me up. Ah I'd forgotten how fun it is to lug large packs on public transport and use them as a vehicle to provide ultimate embarrassment. It's been a while.
In fact its been 6 months in Canada and nearly 6 months at camp, so being in the aiport (to actually catch a plane as opposed to saying farewell/loitering) is quite a strange experience. I was the last gapper left at camp and one of the last staff, so I have already said alot of goodbyes in the last few days, but I think the hardest one was saying goodbye to the Valley. The Upper Squamish Valley has been my home for the last 6 months, is the most beautiful place I've ever worked and the meeting ground for the congregation of some of the most incredible people I've ever met. As Parky drove me out of the driveway and down the valley road, I realised how much I'm going to miss this place. It's funny, it doesn't really feel like I'm not going to be back there in a couple of days, waiting for a fresh busload of kids to hang out with for the next few days, sitting in the staff lounge watching Role Models (for the 80th time) and riding a bike with no suspension around Boundary Trail just to save travelling time between my cabin and the Lodge. I'm sure once my flight touches down in Phoenix and I find myself out of the forest and into the desert it will dawn on me. Best of luck to Emily, Duncan, Trev, Eddie and Parky who are still busy tidying up the site after our last group a few days ago.
As sad as it is to leave my 'home' and all my new friends, embarking on the next phase of my gap year is incredibly exciting! It's kind of fun to have everything I own in the world once again fitting into a backpack (well it will be like that after I go to the US, I have an extra bag right now of things I'm sending home) and to be footloose and carefree. Also, all the visiting I have in store for the next few months in uber exciting. Can't wait to see Spud, Vicki, Summer and Kylie in Phoenix! In fact, boarding just opened and for some strange reason for a change I am at the front of the plane, so I better go!!
P.S. Here are a few more pictures from the Fall: